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Welcome to the vibrant world of our Filipino student-led projects, where innovation, passion, and purpose drive every endeavor. We are dedicated to making a meaningful difference in our Filipino communities and beyond. Join us as we delve into the stories, strategies, and successes behind each project, witnessing firsthand the transformative power of collaboration, creativity, and compassion. Get ready to be inspired and empowered by the remarkable journey of our Filipino student projects and events.


As part of AFSHu's advocacy to support research and scholarship, we are also launching PROJECT BROWN BAG. A brown bag session typically gathers individuals to bring and eat their lunches together while listening to a speaker, who facilitates knowledge transfer and skill development.

In AFSHu parlance, PROJECT BROWN BAG caters to any Filipino bachelors, masters, or doctoral students, who would like to present their research article - already published in a peer-reviewed academic journal - through a webinar format.

From January to March, AFSHu already invited student speakers who will deliver informative and engaging lectures. If you are interested to be one of our speakers from April onwards, we invite you to fill up an application form. You may access the form through this link: https://bit.ly/afshu_bbapplicant


AFSHu is thrilled to invite Filipino students in Hungary to join our Discord channel. As part of our advocacy to promote wellness and mental well-being, AFSHu conceived the idea of creating a platform where students could share their stories, ideas, aspirations, and even challenges as foreign students. To join, scan the QR code or go to bit.ly/afshudiscord.


This year, AFSHu is launching a new project, which we call KUMUSTUHAN, that will hopefully benefit the entire Filipino student community in Hungary. AFSHu will visit various cities to meet with Filipino students. As an informal activity, AFSHu aims to commune with its members and gain insights on their varied experiences as international students. Through this, we hope to formulate better activities that target the needs of Filipino students.

Keep in touch with your Uni's Board of Director to get updates regarding the KUMUSTAHAN in your city.

Kita-kits mga ka-AFSHu!

#AFSHu #SerbisyongAFSHu



On 12 January 2024, the officers and Board of Directors of AFSHu visited the charming City of Szeged to meet with Filipino students who are currently studying in the University of Szeged. We would like to extend our gratitude and appreciation to BOD Ace Pagkaliwangan for organizing the tour and intimate gathering of students.


In partnership with the Commission on Human Rights (Region Office III), AFSHu invited all Filipino students in Hungary to attend the webinar on "Mental Health and Human Rights."

The webinar was conducted via Google Meet on Friday, 26 January 2024, from 6:00 to 9:00 am (CET).


Last January 17, 2024, the new set of officers and Board of Directors of the Association of Filipino Students in Hungary for 2023-2024 was formally inducted by H.E. Mr. Frank Cimafranca, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Philippines to Hungary.

The oathtaking ceremony took place at the Embassy of the Philippines in Budapest. Amb. Cimafranca extended his felicitations to AFSHu and assured its members that the Embassy will always be there for the Filipino student community in Hungary.

AFSHu would like to thank the Embassy of the Philippines for hosting the oathtaking ceremony.



This Chinese New Year, AFSHu officers visited the City of Miskolc to meet with Filipino students who are studying at the University of Miskolc. We would like to thank Angelo and Brandon for touring us around the University and the City Centre.


AFSHu was proud to present the first lecturer in the Brown Bag Session: Joseph Yap.

Joseph is a doctoral candidate in Literary Studies at the Eötvös Lorànd University (ELTE) in Budapest. Last January 24, 2024, he delivered a brown bag on "Mastering Academic Referencing: A Student Campaign for Achieving Precise Citations and Flawless Publication."


AFSHu is once again sponsoring a webinar on mental health, which focuses on resolving the adversities experienced by international students.

Prof. Dr. Homer Yabut, Associate Professor in the Psychology Department at De La Salle University, delivered the lecture on Friday, 9 February 2024, 14:30 (Central European Time), via Zoom.


On the 20th of January 2024, AFSHu together with Filipino organizations in Hungary - Bayanihan and Mabuhay - attended the diaspora to dialogue (D2D) with the European Network of Filipino Diaspora (ENFiD) held at the Embassy of the Philippines in Budapest.

ENFiD delegates headed by their chairperson, Mr. Christian Estrada, led the D2D with the aim to build connections across all Filipino communities. The dialogue envisions to establish an ENFiD organization in Hungary. At present, ENFiD has 17 member countries, which were organized through local ENFiD country member organizations.



Last March 9, 2024, AFSHu visited the City of Pécs to conduct the Kumustahan with the Filipino students who are studying at the University of Pécs. The Kumustuhan is highlighted by the city tour organized by Jorely Soria, former AFSHu secretary, and a luncheon with the Filipino student community. AFSHu also attended and supported the International Evening 2024 wherein its student members in Pécs represented the Philippines by modeling some of our national costumes and through a dance presentation. We would like to extend our gratitude to AFSHu BOD Roselle Torres for coordinating all the activities and the Filipino students from the University of Pécs for graciously welcoming and hosting AFSHu.


AFSHu was proud to present our speakers, Andrew Lacsina and Ryan Victor Miranda, who are both graduate students majoring in Sociology.

Andrew and Ryan lectured about an interesting topic concerning intermarriages of Filipino women in Hungary last February 24, 2024, 14:00 (CET), via Zoom.


Last March 23, 2024, our brown bag speaker was Camille Jetzselle Fresto, a PhD Candidate in Geopolitics and Sustainable Development, from Corvinus University of Budapest. Her presentation delves on the article she published entitled "Unlocking Perspectives: Exploring Q-Methodology for Understanding Subjectivity in Academic Research."


During Good Friday, AFSHu together with the Filipino community in Hungary conducted its first ever Visita Iglesia. The Filipino community visited seven churches in Budapest where they also conducted the Via Crucis (Way of the Cross).

AFSHu would also like to thank Ambassador Frank Cimafranca and his spouse, Ma'am Lucila Cimafranca, for gracing and supporting this religious endeavor.

Library Tour and Kumustahan


Last April 13, 2024, AFSHu visited two important libraries in Hungary: the National Széchényi Library and ELTE Library. Through the guided tours, student members were given an opportunity to know the history of the libraries, their significant collections, programs, and the esteemed Hungarians who made these libraries possible. Meanwhile, a luncheon at the Oriental Soup House capped the Kumustahan in Budapest. AFSHu would like to thank the National Széchényi Library and ELTE Library for accommodating the Filipino student community in Hungary. We also extend our gratitude to Joseph Yap, Chairperson of the Board of Directors, for facilitating the library tours and organizing the Budapest Kumustahan.


AFSHu was thrilled to present the next speaker for the Brown Bag Session last April 20, 2024, Airnel Abarra, PhD Candidate in Sports Sciences from the Hungarian University of Sports Sciences. He delivered a lecture regarding female bodybuilding and the physique of athletes.


On May 3, 2024, the University of Debrecen (UniDeb) conducted the annual International Food Day where at least 30 countries participated and shared their local culinary delights. For several years now, the Filipino student community in UniDeb actively participates in this endeavor as proceeds from the event will go to charity.

This year, the International Food Day became extra special as Ambassador Frank Cimafranca and Consul Ria Gorospe of the Embassy of the Philippines graced the event and mingled with the Filipino students.

As for the food, the Filipino student community prepared three dishes: chicken afritada, pancit, and bibingka. The International Food Day 2024 was also considered as the last leg of the Project Kumustahan of AFSHu.



Coinciding with the International Food Day 2024 sponsored by the University of Debrecen (UniDeb), Ambassador Frank Cimafranca visited the University on May 3, 2024. He was welcomed and received by UniDeb Rector, Prof. Dr. Zoltán Szilvássy, together with Dr. Okszana Kiszil, Director for Coordination and Strategic Affairs. During the private meeting, Dr. Kiszil gave an overview regarding UniDeb and highlighted the number of Filipino students currently enrolled in the University. Ambassador Cimafranca and Prof. Dr. Szilvássy also exchanged insights on the diversity and multicultural environment in Debrecen.

Ambassador Cimafranca was joined by Consul Ria Gorospe. The embassy officials were assisted by AFSHu President Jolo Tamayo and AFSHu Vice President for Internal Affairs Miguel Angelo Victor Ontog. AFSHu would like to thank the Embassy of the Philippines, especially Ambassador Cimafranca, for taking time to visit the Filipino student community in Debrecen. Likewise, our gratitude to Prof. Dr. Szilvássy and Dr. Kiszil of the University of Debrecen for extending their hospitality.


The speaker for the fifth brown bag session, Anisa Trisha Pabingwit, a PhD candidate from the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest. Last May 25, 2024, Anisa talked about the challenges of Asian students and their coping mechanisms in the context of intercultural dialogue during their studies abroad.


Last May 22, 2024, officers and committee members of the Association of Filipino Students in Hungary (AFSHu) attended the "Roundtable event on the recruitment and safe employment of migrant workers in Hungary." The roundtable event was sponsored by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and held at Memo Budapest.

Participants included representatives from the Hungarian government, Diplomatic Missions, recruitment agencies, trade unions and civil society organizations. The roundtable discussions highlighted the recruitment process and challenges experienced by migrant workers in Hungary, trends and experiences in the labor market, as well as the protection of migrant workers from exploitation.

AFSHu delegates compiled insights they gathered during the event, which will be applied to the association's related projects regarding Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs).

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